A New Release and Gideon Juckes SHOP!!

Gideonjuckes.com now has an ONLINE SHOP! This is a great place to order my CDs, offering fixed price international delivery with reliable personalised service.

To kick things off, I am taking advanced orders of the new FUNKARU CD, which is out on August 7th! I hope this album will amaze people, and open minds about what tuba euphonium ensembles are capable of. Highly recommended!

To get hold of FU-CHING-GIDO CDs and merchandise, click HERE

New Release! Mariko Hamada "Lounge Roses"


I recorded a session for the great musician/producer Makoto Kubota. It’s the opening track “Tokyo Dodompa Girl” from Mariko Hamada’s new album “Lounge Roses”, which was released last month by Columbia Japan. The song has a laid-back New Orleans-style groove, and was a lot of fun to record!

素晴らしいミュージシャンとプロデューサーの久保田 麻琴さんからリクエストが来ました。久保田さんプロデュースのアルバム『LOUNGE ROSES -浜田真理子の昭和歌謡』のトラック「東京ドドンパ娘」に参加させていただきました。いいニューオーリンズグルーブだった!久保田さんありがとう!