On Christmas Day It Happened So (2021)
Top 10 Album of 2021 (Far Side Radio, Resonance FM, London)
Nominated for Best Solo Album at the 2022 4barsrest Awards
Picked as “New & Notable” by the Bandcamp editorial team. 30,000+ streams.
****“A poetic sense of time and place…as well as an eerie, unsettling atmosphere (beautifully mixed) that sets a wintry chill deep into the marrow of your bones…wonderfully atmospheric and thoughtfully inventive recording with just the right tincture strength of mystery” (Iwan Fox, 4barsrest) FULL REVIEW
A Christmas album featuring the dark sound of a duo of low-pitched musical instruments- baritone saxophone and tuba. The chant-like performance by these wind instruments is tightened, as if a pure devotion to the gods is formed by its direct tone. Carols and lullabies that have been handed down from various cultures are taken up. Recommended for those who want to have a holy night with a solemn feeling at this time of joy and sadness.” (雨と休日 Ame to Kyuujitsu, Japan) 完全なレビュー
“ 2枚のアルバム『MUSIC for ISOLATION(隔離のための音楽)』が好評を得た、バリトンサックスとチューバによるデュオが待望の新作をリリース。今回はクリスマス·アルバムとのことだが、心躍るクリスマス·ソング集ではなく、心を鎮めるような厳かな内容。家族や恋人とゆっくり過ごすクリスマスにはピッタリのBGMと言えるのではないでしょうか。
The long-awaited new work by the baritone saxophone and tuba duo, whose previous two " MUSIC for ISOLATION " albums have been very well received. This time it's a Christmas album. It's not a collection of happy songs, but solemn music that calms the mind. Perfect music for spending Christmas time with your family and dearest ones. " (Disk Union, Japan) 完全なレビュー
MUSIC for ISOLATION Volume II (2021)
Nominated for Best Solo Album at the 2021 4barsrest Awards
“a fantastic album” (Paul Fisher, Far Side Radio, Resonance FM, London)
“Red Sky at Night / Coda” selected for two Spotify-curated playlists, An Evening to Remember and Urban Classical Japan.
**** “a thoroughly absorbing experience…gently resolute in its dark tonality even as it releases you ever further from a tethered sense of time and place. The tracks echo with haunting thoughts of loss and faded memories…superbly realised” (Iwan Fox, 4barsrest) FULL REVIEW
“数世紀前の古楽のようなパーソナルな距離感と、近くの学校から漏れ聞こえてくる放課後のブラスバンドのような長閑さが同居する、力強くも懐かしい一枚。” (Disk Union, Japan) 完全なレビュー
Top 10 Album of 2020 (Far Side Radio, Resonance FM, London)
Nominated for Best Solo Album at the 2020 4barsrest Awards
**** "A mix of spirituality and logical dogma weaves repetitive patterns and processes through the eight tracks; from the bleak, mournful ‘Black Heath’, to the tender hopefulness of ‘Travel to the Island’…which ebbs away to nothingness to close…perfect for time spent alone.” (Iwan Fox, 4barsrest) FULL REVIEW
"漏れ聞こえる放課後のブラスバンドのような長閑さと、知らない街をあてもなく旅するかのような小さな冒険心や不安が同居する、心地よくも緊張感のあるアンサンブル。人と人の直接的なコミュニケーションが制限され、心が荒みがちなコロナ禍の人々にそっと寄り添うような一枚。アートワークも素晴らしいです。” (Disk Union, Japan) 完全なレビュー
“バリトン・サックスとチューバという、低音楽器のデュオ。ブラスバンドやオーケストラでは屋台骨を支える骨太な音色のこの楽器たちは、そもそも音の始まりの部分(サックスならリード、チューバなら唇)が物理的に大きいため小さな音を出すのが難しいのですが、溶け合うように柔らかで繊細な響きを聴かせてくれています…そのサウンドは少し奇妙で優しく、コロナ禍で強いられる生活に付き添ってくれる心強い味方となってくれるはず。” (雨と休日 Ame to Kyuujitsu, Japan) 完全なレビュー