Tokyo (Kichijoji, Ikebukuro, Ryogoku, Hatchobori), Svalbard (Longyearbyen, Isfjord), Oslo, Stockholm, Matsumoto, Yamaguchi, Tokorozawa, Seoul (Hongdae, Hapjeong, Jongno).
Thanks to the support of our followers and friends, we were able to perform far and wide this year. We had many adventures, across Japan to the Arctic Circle, via Scandinavia and South Korea. We were able to work with wonderful collaborators and find new connections and inspiration.
This year we challenged and questioned ourselves and were able to create something new. An album of new music, created in and inspired by Arctic wilderness is currently in the production stage.
We took MUSIC for ISOLATION to true isolation, and raised many questions about the environment, new music and the nature of partnership.
None of this could have been possible without the support of a huge amount of generous and warmhearted people, many of whom have donated and continue to donate to the Svalbard project. We are very excited to present our new work to you next year. Our list of people who have directly helped us this year approaches 100 people, far too many to list here. But we thank you all from the bottom of our hearts.
As we look back on a diverse and groundbreaking year, 2025 is shaping up to be very exciting, with many new projects on the horizon which we can’t wait to tell you about!
Thank you for all your support in 2024, and we hope you’ll join us on our next adventures in 2025.
MUSIC for ISOLATION Tokyo 12/29/24
フォロワーの皆様や多くの友人·知人の応援のおかげで、今年は遠くの地まで公演の旅をすることができました。 スカンジナビアや韓国を旅して、日本各地から北極圏までたくさんの冒険をしました。 素晴らしい表現者たちや会場オーナーの皆さんと共演し、新たなご縁·インスピレーションにも出会うことができました。
私たちは『MUSIC for ISOLATION』を通して真の孤独·独立について、また私たちを取り巻く環境、新しい音楽、そしてパートナーシップの本質について探求を続けています。
今年の有意義な活動は全て、私たちのスヴァールバル·プロジェクトをご支援くださった皆様、いつも暖かく応援してくださる皆様なしには不可能でした。 100名を超えるお名前をここに記したいところですが、心からの感謝のご挨拶をもって代えさせていただきます。
MUSIC for ISOLATION 東京 24.12.30